Madridge Journal of Nursing

ISSN: 2638-1605

International Nursing Conference

December 5-7, 2016, Dubai, UAE
Keynote Session Abstracts
DOI: 10.18689/2638-1605.a1.001

Flo nursing care & patient satisfaction

Aysha Ali Al Mehri

Emirates Nursing Association, UAE

Nursing care has a prominent role in patient satisfaction. Using a nursing model to measure patient satisfaction with nursing care helps define and clarify this concept.

To evaluate and improve the quality of care provided, it is of vital importance to investigate the quality of care in the context of health care. Patient satisfaction is a significant indicator of the quality of care. Consequently, quality work includes investigations that map out patient satisfaction with nursing care. To improve the quality of nursing care, the nurse needs to know what factors influence patient satisfaction. The aim of this literature study was to describe the influences on patient satisfaction with regard to nursing care in the context of health care.

There is variety of instruments for assessing the patientsʼ satisfaction, questionnaires being most widely used methodology in nursing practice. A reliable and valid questionnaire for assessing patientsʼ satisfaction, applied on regular basis in nursing practice, provides data on quality of care provided in the department or institution. Such data are compared and evaluated, providing a base for continuing monitoring and improvement of the quality of care. Patientʼs satisfaction with the provided nursing care is positive indicator, not only for the patient himself, but also for the nurse and the healthcare institution, because satisfied patients more strictly follow the advice of healthcare practitioners, their hospitalization period is shorter, and thus expenses of the healthcare are lower. Though aware of important role of nurses, the assessment of effects of nursing services to the desired therapy outcome and patients satisfaction with provided healthcare in this region is still deficient. Without such information and knowledge nursing activity canʼt be properly planned and provided in a best way possible. Moreover, nurses in this region need further research, which will manifest and emphasize their contribution to the final result of the health care and make them more prominent.

Though aware of important role of nurses, the assessment of effects of nursing services to the desired therapy outcome and patients satisfaction with provided healthcare in this region is still deficient. Without such information and knowledge nursing activity canʼt be properly planned and provided in a best way possible. Moreover, nurses in this region need further research, which will manifest and emphasize their contribution to the final result of the health care and make them more prominent.

19 years of professional experience in health care management with various leadership roles in hospital sector and project management. Contributing in part time as an advisory role for strategic planning in health care services. Was honored to be part and team leader of increasing Nursing attraction initiative project at country level ;carried out with successful outcome many of healthcare project at national level. My strengths includes the ability to analyze key issues, innovative approach to create ideas, Effective communicator with strong team-building and ability to handle multi tasks so as to accomplish objectives and meet the expectation, able to work in high-growth, and complex work environment with diverse challenges in any organization

A culturally sensitive recruitment model for arabic nursing

Seamus Cowman and Eman Tawash

Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Bahrain

Background: Consistent with Bahrainization, the development and expansion of an indigenous nursing profession through increasing the number of Bahrainis working as nurses must be a health service priority. However, in attracting local candidates to study nursing, the public image of nursing in the Middle East continues to be of concern. At present, in Bahrain there are 4 nurses per 1,000 of the population compared to the OECD average of 8.7. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the High School Students and their parents in Bahrain to choose the nursing as a future career

Methods: A mixed methods research design was used. The study sample included high school students, studentsʼ parents, career guidance counselors and nursing students. A nursing recruitment intervention was tested and evaluated in a sample of Bahraini schools with High School students.

Findings: The findings of this study indicate that, although the students expressed positive perceptions about nursing, this was not matched with a desire to become nurses themselves. Career desirability involves more than reinforcing positive perceptions about nursing.

The study reported that the public perceptions of Bahraini people about nursing may be grounded in strong cultural influences. As a means of enhancing nursing image and perception, the study proposed a best practice model for nursing recruitment that considers the unique culture and contexts of the Arab countries. The recruitment model Nurse-P.R.A.M is new and is a uniquely Arabic creation, and is focused on recruitment to nursing in the region and in particular Bahrain. The model is built from the unique evidence developed through this study.

Conclusion: The worldwide shortage of nursing is having an adverse impact on health systems. Western models and approaches to nursing recruitment is not successful in the Middle East. This study is significant as it will place the perceptions and understanding of Bahraini people and culture and the centre of nursing promotion and recruitment. Some of the issues raised in the study are reflective of the core international literature; however there are fundamental issues particular to the Gulf region, which will require attention in a context of an overall nursing recruitment strategy for Arabic nursing.

Prof Seamus Cowman: PhD, MSc, FAAN, FFNMRCSI, PG Cert Ed (Adults), Dip N (London), RNT, RGN, RPN. Seamus Cowman is the first Professor of Nursing at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) and is also Head of Department. He is a registered psychiatric and general nurse. Seamus completed his academic studies at University of London, University of Surrey and in completing his PhD at Dublin City University he became the first nurse to obtain a PhD from an Irish University. He is also a Fellow of the Faculty of nursing and Midwifery RCSI, and in Nov 2010 become the first nurse from Ireland to receive a fellowship of the American Academy of Nursing and as a Fellow of the American of Nursing joins a small band of internatinal nurses. Internationally Seamus has established education programmes in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain where he established a School of Nursing & Midwifery at the RCSI University of Bahrain. Prof Cowmanʼs has over 120 publications and has obtained €3.5 million in research funding. His research work relates to Health Services Research related to Stroke care, Wound care, Day surgery and Mental Health Prof Cowman is an Executive member of the European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group. He has undertaken RCT research work on chronic wounds, prevention of pressure ulcers and violence management and health professions education. He has undertaken sytematic reviews and contributed to the Cochrane collaboration. Has undertaken interdisciplinary research and the most recent work relate HRB funded research on standards for day surgery in Ireland.

Synchronizing nursing education and practice to improve care

Beth Ann Swan

Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Healthcare reform and changing population health demographics call for a radical transformation in healthcare delivery and the education of healthcare providers. Nurses comprise the largest proportion of healthcare providers making it necessary to ensure that they are prepared to address the challenges that arise from the evolving healthcare delivery system. A key message of the Institute of Medicineʼs (IOM, 2011) The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, is that nurses must lead healthcare change. To accomplish this, leaders in nursing education and nursing practice must recognize their role in creating change in nursing education and practice. Specifically, they must recognize their role in forming partnerships to improve nursing education and nursing practice.

In this context, this presentation will share two exemplarsof the future of nursing education in synchronizing education and all aspects of practice to improve care for individuals and families. The first exemplar with describean innovative baccalaureate nursing curriculum based on One Jeffersonʼs mission, Health is All We Do and JCNʼs curriculum for health is H.E.R.E. – Humanistic, Evidence-based, Reflective, and Excellence in clinical leaders. The curricular framework that guides the newly designed concept-based baccalaureate curriculum is Promoting Health and Quality of Life Along the Care Continuum. This framework emphasizes the promotion of health and quality of life in a variety of populations during transitions of care from one setting to another and is guided by the curricular themes of innovation, population health, interprofessional collaboration, and practice excellence. Central to the curriculum is the need to leverage partnerships to support the newly developed course offerings, immersion experiences (formerly clinical experiences), service learning, and experiential opportunities in interprofessional, community-based primary care. These partnerships are mutually beneficial to promote health and foster cross sector collaboration to improve well-being. The second exemplar, Communication Catalyst Program, will illustrate an academic-practice partnership that is transforming the care transitions experience through nurse-patient communication. In addition, a March 2016 national report from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing titled Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing will be discussed. This report addresses how collaborative work is needed to spark clinical innovation and align critical resources to transform healthcare delivery.

Dr. Beth Ann Swan is Dean at the Jefferson College of Nursing at Thomas Jefferson University. Dr. Swan is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She is past president of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing and a 2007-2010 Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow. Dr. Swan was a member of the Veterans Health Administration Choice Act Blue Ribbon Panel and is a member of the Josiah Macy Jr. Planning Committee for Preparing Registered Nurses for New Roles in Primary Care. She also served as an Honorary Visiting Expert, Health Manpower Development Plan (HMDP) for the Ministry of Health, Singapore. Dr. Swan has a distinguished record of extramural funding, publications, and presentations nationally and internationally.

3D anatomy models and impact on learning: critical assessment of the quality of literature

Samy A Azer1 and Sarah Azer2

1King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
2Box Hill Hospital, Australia

Background:The aims of this study were to identify studies exploring three-dimensional (3D) anatomy models and their impact on learning, and to assess the quality of research in this area.

Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, and the Web of Knowledge databases were searched using the following keywords “3D anatomy”, “three dimensional anatomy,” “3D virtual reality anatomy,” “3D VR anatomy,” “3D anatomy model, “3D anatomy teaching”, and “anatomy learning VR”. Three evaluators independently assessed the quality of research using the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument (MERSQI).

Results: Of the 94,616 studies identified initially, 30 studies reported data on the impact of using 3D anatomy models on learning. The majority were of moderate quality with a mean MERSQI score=10.26 (SD 2.14, range 6.0–13.5). The rater intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.79 (95% confidence interval 0.75–0.88). Most studies were from North America (53%), and Europe (33%) and the majority were from medical (73%) and Dental (17%) schools.

Conclusions: There was no solid evidence that the use of 3D models is superior to traditional teaching. However, the studies varied in research quality. More studies are needed, particularly from nursing, to examine the short- and long-term impacts of 3D models on learning using valid and appropriate tools.

Professor Samy Azer is an Australian physician and medical academic and educator. He was honoured to contribute to medical education in several countries. He graduated with a Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery and completed his training in gastroenterology and hepatology in the 80s. He obtained PhD from the University of Sydney in hepatology and a Master in Education from the University of New South Wales. He is a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and obtained a Master of Public Health from the University of New South Wales. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine.
He was a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at the University of Sydney from 1997 to 1998 at that time the university was introducing a new PBL program. Then he was invited to join the University of Melbourne from 1999 to 2006 to support the team in medical education unit introducing the new PBL program and changing the curriculum.
He is a Visiting Professor of Medical Education at the University of Toyama, Japan and has helped the Faculty of Medicine in establishing its Medical Education Unit. He was Professor of Medical Education and Chair of Medical Education Research and Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia from 2007 to 2009. During that time he was a key element in helping the Faculty to be ready and prepared for accreditation of its program. The program was credited for 5 years and the university was the first to be credited in Malaysia.
Professor Azer was a consultant to the Victorian Postgraduate Medical Foundation (VMPF), Australia.
He is Professor of Medical Education and the Chair of Curriculum and Research Unit at King Saud University College of Medicine and has played a significant role in introducing the new curriculum and preparing the College for accreditation. The program was accredited for 7 years in 2011.
Professor Azer has been invited as a keynote speaker to conferences in Australia, South East Asia, Sweden, Turkey, the Middle East countries and the United States. He has over 100 original articles published in international journals most of them are on medical education. He authored four textbooks on Medical Education. He is Editor at PLOS ONE, United States, Editor at MEDICINE, the United States, and on the Editorial Board of BMC Medical Education, the United Kingdom, and a Topic Editor of Frontiers in Medicine, a partner of Nature Group, Switzerland.

The future of nursing education

Nezam Al-Nsair

University of Mount Union, USA

Nursing education continues to evolve across the world to meet the demands of ever changing health care systems and consumer health needs. Nursing schools across the globe find themselves adapting their curriculum and the way they educate future nurses to face the new challenges and demands in a world of increasing technology and complexity of health care systems.

Nursing schools have the obligation to educate nurses that are competent and provide safe and quality care. Many nursing schools responded to the new challenges of health care with creative ways to improving curriculum design and ways to implement it. In this presentation, the author will provide a review of the development of nursing education over the last 20 years and then focus on factors and demands that shaped the current nursing education development. The presenter will discuss what the future of nursing education trends are and the necessary elements nursing schools have to consider to optimize their effectiveness in graduating nurses who will be ready to meet future challenges with competence and flexibility.

Healthcare agencies and consumers of health are demanding healthcare professionals and nurses to be able to collaborate and communicate in ways they never had to in the past. Nursing schools need to create a learning environment that allows for meaningful collaboration, use of technology, simulation, and wellness care. The presenter will discuss major elements to consider for successful visionary nursing education programs and give examples of the future of advance practice nurses role.

Dr. Al-Nsair is a tenured professor and the founding Chair and Director of the Nursing program at the University of Mount Union. Dr. Al-Nsair was instrumental in the development of new graduate master and doctoral programs in various universities and in obtaining accreditation. He taught in traditional undergraduate and graduate programs, RN-BSN, and online programs. He served as peer reviewer for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) that grants accreditation for Universities for institutions. He is experienced leader who served in various leadership positions and experienced practitioner who worked as a nurse in med-surge and critical care units.