International Journal of Petrochemistry and Research

ISSN: 2638-1974

International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemistry

April 3-5, 2017, Dubai, UAE
Keynote Session Abstracts
DOI: 10.18689/2638-1974.a1.001

Vibration analysis leading into diagnosis (valid) approach

Jyoti K Sinha

School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering (MACE), The University of Manchester, UK

Vibration-based Condition Monitoring (VCM) is generally used in industries to predict fault(s) at early stage in any machine so that the maintenance can be performed before any catastrophic failure. However the question always arises whether the VCM alone in a machine is enough? Answer is generally yes if the failure is not frequent and premature. But if the failure is premature and frequent then the experience shows that the routine VCM alone may not be sufficient. For such cases, it is observed that the dynamics of the complete machine unit comprises of the rotor, bearings and foundation is responsible for such premature and frequent failure. Hence additional tests and analysis are required to understand the machine dynamic behavior which can then leads to solution. The topic will discuss few industrial case studies to show the usefulness of valid approach.

Dr. Jyoti K. Sinha is Programme Director, Reliability Engineering and Asset Management (REAM) MSc and Head, Dynamics Laboratory, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK.Dr Sinha has been extensively involved in many industrial projects (nearly £3M) related to Vibration-based Condition Monitoring and Maintenance of Machines and Structures in last 27 years.
Dr Sinha is the author of more than 225 publications (Journals, conferences, books, edited book/conference proceedings and technical reports) and gave a number of keynote/invited lectures. Dr Sinha is the associate editor of two international journals and the editorial board member of two journals. Dr Sinha has started a series of an International Conference of Maintenance Engineering (Income) and the Journal of Maintenance Engineering (JoME) from August 2016. He is also technical committee member of IFTOMM Rotordynamics. Recently he is appointed as the British Standard Institute (BSI) Member and involved in reviewing ISO codes related to Machine Vibration.

Performance evaluation of swell packers under actual field conditions

Sayyad Zahid Qamar

Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Swelling elastomers are a relatively recent breed of advanced polymers, known for their self-healing and large stretch when in contact with certain fluids. They undergo dynamic swelling when exposed to water or oil. They have found extensive use as sealing elements and swell-packers in different petroleum drilling and development operations. Swellable elastomer packers (SEP) consist of swelling elastomer sections bonded to petroleum pipes. Many mature fields (which account for more than two-thirds of the worldʼs oil and gas production) have been traditionally abandoned after serious production declines, because of the difficulties and large cost associated with rework. Swell packers have now been successfully employed for workovers, sidetracks, and redrills, putting abandoned wells back into production. When oilfields are producing substantial amounts of unwanted water or gas, increased recovery from maturing reservoirs is possible through shut-off of unwanted water and gas by the deployment of swelling elastomer sections to segment horizontal wells. Swellable elastomers have also been successfully used for cementless completions, for well completion together with cement jobs, and for zonal isolation in openhole completion of foam-drilled horizontal wells.

No studies have been reported about the long-term durability or expected service life of swell packers under actual well conditions. A full-scale test rig has been designed, constructed, and commissioned at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Muscat, Oman for five-year long in-situ evaluation of various types of swell packers. This longevity testing of water-swelling and oil-swelling elastomer packers of different sizers is being carried out in partnership with a regional petroleum development company. These packers consist of different types of water-swelling and oil-swelling materials, and are exposed to actual crude oil or brine solutions of different salinities, and are tested at both room and higher temperatures. High differential pressures are applied on selected packers once they have sealed. Elastomer types, swelling media, test temperatures and pressures, all represent actual field conditions in regional oil wells.

Prof. Sayyad Zahid Qamar is currently associated with the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. He has worked both as a university academician and a researcher, and as a field engineer (mechanical), during his twenty-five years of professional service. His main research areas are Applied materials and manufacturing; Applied mechanics and design; Reliability engineering; and Engineering education. He has worked on different funded projects in excess of 4 million US dollars. He is the author of one research monograph (book), two book chapters, over 120 publications in refereed international journals and conferences, and 31 technical reports. He has also edited two technical book volumes, and is serving on the editorial boards of various well-known research journals. He has conducted experimental, numerical, analytical, and stochastic studies in the areas of Swelling and inert elastomers; Solid expandable tubulars; Metalforming process, product, and tooling; etc.

Use of Polyurea as a protective coating: New applications of polymers in damage mitigation

Damith Mohotti

School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia

The economical and technical values of elastomers in many different industrial applications are still under estimated. Over the last few decades, many researchers have investigated the use of elastomers such as polyurea as a protective coating material due to its ability to absorb a considerably high amount of energy compared to most other similar coating materials. Polyurea uses by products of petroleum industry and has been identified as a good candidate material to use as a protective coating or an energy absorber. In recent years, researchers have drawn their attention towards the application of polyuria to enhance the resistance of structures and systems against extreme impulsive loadings such as blasts. With adequate surface preparation, polyurea bonds well with most structural materials (such as concrete, steel and aluminium), thereby forming composite behaviour. It can be used either as the outer face of a structure, or as an interlayer material, by utilising its compressive or tensile properties depending upon the nature of the load transmitted. Due to the complex nature of its microstructure, polyuria shows a high level of stress–strain non-linearity, rate sensitivity, and a high degree of pressure dependency compared to other elastomeric materials. In addition, polyurea has a higher energy density than most other elastomeric materials. In recent years, a spray-in-place methodology has been introduced for polyuria coating, which has increased its usage in many industrial applications such as tank liners, manhole and tunnel coatings, and secondary coatings on bridges, roofs and parking decks. Recent studies show that it also possesses the desired characteristics for effective protective coating application against blast and ballistic loadings in both vehicles and ground structures. In this presentation, some previous research projects done on polyuria applications on damage mitigation will be reviewed. Also new technological developments possible in polymer industry with their economical benefits will be discussed.

Dr. Mohotti has developed expertise in many interrelated areas in structural and materials engineering including extreme loadings on structures (blast and impact), wind loadings on buildings and development of smart materials. He is considered as an expert in advanced numerical simulations with his immense contribution to the development of this sector. In addition to his expertise as a researcher he has gained worthy of experience working as a structural engineer and a consultant. Dr. Damith is currently working as a lecturer in the School of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and IT at University of Sydney. He currently works as a member of the industrial engagement committee of the school and hold the responsibility of delivering three key units of studies on design of concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures.

Fueling our future

Kuo-Wei Huang

KAUST Catalysis Center and Division of Physical Science and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

The efficient and safe decomposition of formic acid as a promising energy carrier has become increasingly important. We have developed ruthenium based catalysts containing unique ligands for the selective decomposition of formic acid to H2 and CO2 in water in the absence of any organic additives. A turnover frequency (TOF) up to 12,000 h-1 and a turnover number (TON) of 350,000~1,100,000 at 90 °C were achieved. Efficient production of high-pressure gas of 24.0 MPa (3480 psi) without the formation of CO, was demonstrated. A prototype model car was built.

KAUST Catalysis Center and Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia.
Kuo-Wei Huang obtained his B.S. from National Taiwan University as a Dr. Yuan T. Lee Fellow and his Ph.D. from Stanford University as a Regina Casper Fellow. He is currently Associate Professor of Chemical Sciences at KAUST. Prior to joining KAUST, he was Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore and a Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He has co-authored over 170 publications with an H-Index of 37. His research interests include renewable energy and synthetic and mechanistic studies of small-molecule activation.